May 5, 2023 3 min Dance Happy one year Anniversary to me. If you asked me this time last year where I think I would be this time this year? I would honestly say...
Jan 7, 2023 2 min Where I have been Some of you may have wondered where I am and how I am doing. Others, probably 99.9 % don't give a damn and probably roll their eyes and...
amie2195May 5, 20233 min readDanceHappy one year Anniversary to me. If you asked me this time last year where I think I would be this time this year? I would honestly say...
amie2195Jan 6, 20232 min readWhere I have beenSome of you may have wondered where I am and how I am doing. Others, probably 99.9 % don't give a damn and probably roll their eyes and...
amie2195Aug 4, 20222 min readGetting HelpI was laying on my bed struggling to breath. Struggling to get my nerves under control. I needed to get my shit together. I was doing...
amie2195Jul 26, 20226 min readGood days and Bad daysIt's funny, Monday I was so excited to got to Tennesse for a photography clinic. Memphis, Tennessee to be exact. I was excited on...
amie2195Jul 14, 20223 min readDarknessIn my darkest hours I have cried out to you Lord. In my lowest moments I have begged for your mercy. I have ignored you, cursed you and...
amie2195Jun 20, 20222 min readI'll be okayWoke up last night with a massive headache. Searched high and low for Advil or Tylenol. What I found was a bottle of( 20 )150mg tablets...
amie2195Jun 17, 20223 min readworkI should have never went back to work so soon. Yes, Kevin you were right , I was wrong. You better save this blog as evidence of me...
amie2195Jun 2, 20222 min readTo be me againI often find myself laying awake in bed at night thinking back on these last couple of months. To say it's been hard is putting it...
amie2195May 8, 20224 min readMy MomJust the thought of my mom makes me smile! She says she doesn't have favorites, but she does. She's lying! According to her she never...
amie2195May 6, 20223 min readI wishI think the hardest part of all this pretending to be okay when I am not, is trying to convince even myself of my lies. It's exhausting...
amie2195May 2, 20223 min readBeing HonestSome days.... are good!!! I feel like ME! Other days like Yesterday... I just want to die. Its all too much. I didn't ask for help. It...
amie2195Apr 26, 20221 min readAddictionAddiction is living in a body that fights to survive with a mind that tries to die
amie2195Apr 6, 20223 min readPlansKevin and I made a plan. We had everything all set. Surgery, Recovery , Taper. In that order. Each step had a plan. We talked about it,...
amie2195Mar 24, 20222 min readTaper 2I'm crying out to God to give me the strength I need to get through these last few tapers. I've walked miles upon miles. I've walked for...
amie2195Mar 18, 20224 min readWe RalliedLife is rough. Especially these last few weeks. Almost so, that I wasn't sure we all were going to make it. Tensions were so high in the...
amie2195Mar 10, 20221 min readDay 2 of Tapering I am hot, I am cold. My whole body shakes while sweat pours out of every pore in my body. I have nothing left in my body to expel. I wish...
amie2195Mar 7, 20221 min readI've Been CaughtThere is so much to do around this house!!! Never mind when there is someone down for the count! I was only trying to help! Bailey was...
amie2195Mar 7, 20224 min readHard TimesI think it's all catching up to me, I think it's catching up to all of us. The whole past year..... Trigiminial Neuragial, Dr....
amie2195Mar 5, 20225 min readRecoveryIt's not easy. Lets just start with that! I think I should start with telling you the good parts before I tell the sad, hard and ...
amie2195Mar 4, 20223 min read7 DaysIt's 7 days before I start tapering off of Lyrica. Lyrica is marketed as an alternative to opioid medications. Like opioid drugs,...