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We Rallied


Life is rough. Especially these last few weeks. Almost so, that I wasn't sure we all were going to make it.

Tensions were so high in the house, everyone was walking on eggshells.

( Kevin hates it when I say that)

I thought maybe we would get a bit of a break. Life would slow down for us just a little bit.

But it didn't, it speed up.

Today... When I thought we couldn't stand one more thing as a family, Kevin got a phone call.

It was the Vet clinic where both Bailey and Ken work. They were calling to tell us that Bailey passed out , hit her head on the exam table on the way down and has been unconscious for 10 min. The ambulance is on their way.

Kevin throws his shoes on and races out the door all the while telling me to stay with Dakota and he will call me when he knows something.

I try to call out to him to tell him that I need to go, I am her Mother, and she needs me, I need her!!!

In my heart of Hearts I knew I couldn't go and be with her. My ability to retain and hold onto information is not 100%. Who Am I kidding, its not even 5%. Bailey needed Kevin, she needed her Dad. I was left home to do the only other thing I knew how to do. PRAY!

I got a phone call a few minutes later from Kevin letting me know that Bailey had regained consciousness. The ambulance was there ready to transport her and he and Kenadee would meet her at the hospital.

I tried to throw as many questions at Kevin before he hung up. Did she talk to you? How did she look? Was she pale? Does she have a concussion? What happened? AND KEVIN'S Favorite one ...

Is she going to be okay? He doesnt KNOW???

I know he didn't know the answers to any of these questions, especially the last one. I asked them anyway and when he got to the hospital I texted those questions to him along with a million other things to him. I bet he wished I was the one there just as much as I wanted to be there.

Kenadee wasn't allowed to go in, so she sat in her car waiting refusing to come home. I think seeing your sister turn blue and pass out for 10 minutes was probably terrifying.

All the tests and blood work were done. They found no reason as to why Bailey passed out. They released her with instructions to follow up with her PCP the next day.

When the girls were little, If we ever had a Dr. appointment or went to the E.R. we would take the girls to McDonald's, so it didn't surprise me a bit when Kevin called to tell they were going to McDonald's before they headed home!

As soon as Bailey walked through the front door I attacked her. I hugged her ( and she REALLY hugged me!!! Like Two arms and a squeeze kind of hug!!! I kissed her until I got the MOOOOOMMM !!!! I watched Bailey walk over and give Dakota a big hug ( Cant remember the last time I saw that happen) One look at Ken's face and I knew she was in the need of a hug and a few counseling sessions!!!

We all sat in the living room. Ken was right next to Bailey on our Fuff! Every time Bailey moved , Ken would ask her if she was okay or if she needed anything . Bailey re lived the event for us. Kenadee picks up where Bailey leaves off and Kevin jumps in and tells us the whole hospital experience. I see Dakota sitting over to the side completely engrossed in the story! Me...... I'm sitting next to Bailey as well. I never let my hand leave her side , I watch and listen to each one as they tell their parts in the story. I smile and laugh along with them, but I also take the time to close my eyes and thank God.

I thankful to him that Bailey wasn't driving when she passed out. I'm thankful that she was in a medical clinic when it happened. I'm thankful her sister was there with her,and when Bailey opened her eyes, her sister was the first face she saw. I'm thankful of that bond that was created in those moments between them. I'm thankful to the staff at AWVH. They took care of not one but two of my children. I'm thankful for the peace that brought me. I'm thankful that Kevin was home and could go to her. I'm thankful for my mom for praying and offering to come over and be with me. I'm thankful Kerry for praying and asking others to pray. I'm thankful for Dakota who was my companion during the chaos. Her constant activity kept me going along with her kind words!

I'm thankful that Kevin took them to McDonald's just like the "old days" I'm even more thankful he called and asked us if we wanted any! ( not sure why they called they should know better and my order never changes) I cant say I'm thankful this happened but I can say am thankful for the blessings it brought.

As I sit back and watch everyone I try and think about the past few weeks and how hard life was. But I can't seem to recall it because all I see is this family before me , coming together little by little piece by piece and I remember what I am fighting for.What we are all fighting for!!!


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