Just the thought of my mom makes me smile!
She says she doesn't have favorites, but she does. She's lying! According to her she never lies but what she doesn't tell you is that she doesn't think fibbing is a lie!!! So, maybe it would make more sense if I said she was "Fibbing" that she doesn't have a favorite child.
She has a firm belief in God and all that he can do. The best part is she installed that faith in me. There is a lot I can try and pay her back for but this gift, this gift of Love and salvation is one I'll never be able to pay her back for!!!
Family means everything to her. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Summer parties are filled with Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, great Cousins. third cousins, friends and neighbors. And.... Anyone I decide to invite last minute. No matter how many people we have ( up to 100 at times) my Mom has never not once said No to anyone coming for the holidays!
One Thanksgiving we were suppose to be having Thanksgiving at my mother in laws. EVERYONE ended up losing power. It started small at first. LOL! She called us to see if we were still going to My mother in law's. We were not , so she invited us over to her house. I asked if my in laws could come. She said yes! I called her up 10 minutes later and asked about his grandparents coming. She said yes! Not even 10 minutes later I called again. I mumbled my request this time. LOL! Joe and Jill were suppose to go to my mother in laws as well. Now they have no place to go!?!?!?! And She said... YES! We ended up having over 40 people. Everyone bought something. We were cooking Turkeys outside in Trash Cans, heating up rolls and stuffing on gas grills. It's the Thanksgiving EVERYONE still talks about!
She ALWAYS says Yes. She will put herself out every single time if it means someone else can be happy. I can not think of a time where she didn't bend over backwards when we needed her.
The top 2 out of the 100 things I admire about my mother , one is her dedication and love for her family. Not just her immediate family but her extended as well. She makes great effort to call and see how we all are. Whether we are just down the street or in Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida and every other place we may have a great aunt, uncle or cousin. We are all truly blessed to be loved by her.
Her strength is the second thing I admire greatly about my mom. ... It far surpasses anything I have ever seen. If I had one tenth of her strength this surgery, recovery and tapper might not have been so hard for me. I think of her strength often and I try and pull some of that out of myself. After all I am her daughter. I must have a bit of her in me!!! At least I hope I do!
Now don't get me wrong, PLEASE don't get me wrong... she is no softie. You do not cross my mother. You might get away with it once but it will only be that one time and you will never do it again.
My father loves her just as much today if not more than the day he married her almost 50 years ago. She drives him nuts at times but I know he wouldn't have it another way. She makes his life entertaining and definitely keeps him on his toes.
My mom stayed with me for a week. Most people might cringe at that. I looked forward to it!
For one.. She loves to clean! I mean loves to clean. She cleans stuff that is already cleaned. I knew their was no way she could walk into my house and not clean. She is also very efficient. I knew I'd be well taken care of. No want or need would be denied. Now who wouldn't love that!!!
The reason I was most excited ... It's my mom. Why wouldn't I be excited?!?!? I will always need and want my mom. She has become not just my mom but my friend, my best friend!
I wish I had the words to express how much this time we spent together meant to me. We laughed so hard we cried and I'm sure I probably peed a little too!
We worked on puzzles together , which we are both so bad at. She worked on it while I was napping and than she had the audacity to say she did most of it.
She walked me to the bathroom, the living room and my bedroom a million times. She was no better than I was in maneuvering the walker. Sorry Kev, the dents in the wall, not my fault. Might have been my walker but it was my mother steering!
She gave me my medication!! We won't even get into this one!!!!! and left me falling out of my bed while she answered her phone!!! All of this she will deny and try and make it my fault! It's not my fault. I was the patient she was the non drugged caregiver. That's all I'm going to say about that !!
I am so thankful that I have had these experiences with my mom! It's memories like these that I will cherish and remember forever.I am so thankful that I have had these experiences with my mom!
I went for a walk a few weeks ago. It was a cold and chilly night. I had been walking for what seemed like hours trying to calm the craziness within my head. I had just gotten to my road when I looked up and saw a light on in my parents house. It was like a beacon of light and hope.
I went to their porch and before I knew it my mom was at the door welcoming me in. I sat on the floor that night and cried into my moms arms. She just held me and talked me through my pain.
I will always need my mom. I am so grateful for the woman, mother, grandmother and friend she is.
I love you mom. Thank you for everything you are and everything you do!!!!!
There is no greater love than the love a mother has for her child and there is no expiration date or age limit to this love!
Your Mum is All those things and more. Don't doubt for one minute that you have not gotten her strength, gift of Love, and power to keep going because you have inherited all of it. You Are Your Mother's Daughter. I love you Both dearly ❤️