May 5, 2023 3 min Dance Happy one year Anniversary to me. If you asked me this time last year where I think I would be this time this year? I would honestly say...
Jan 7, 2023 2 min Where I have been Some of you may have wondered where I am and how I am doing. Others, probably 99.9 % don't give a damn and probably roll their eyes and...
amie2195Feb 28, 20222 min readCarolThe woman I meet at the Steak House. That is her name. Carol Granger. She has an amazing husband, much like my own. A beautiful daughter...
amie2195Feb 27, 20224 min readGod MomentsI was asked the question recently " Throughout all of your trials where has your your God been? What has he done for you?" It's a...
amie2195Feb 24, 20224 min readDr. Anand Rughani, MD Dr. Rughani is not just my neurosurgeon but he has been a source of hope and light in my darkness. I know nothing about this man other...
amie2195Feb 17, 20223 min readNot so easyThey do not make it easy at all to get out of the hospital. They have a whole check list to go by and if you miss one little thing YOU...
amie2195Feb 16, 20223 min readPainPain. I know all about Pain. It almost seems like I cant remember a time when I wasn't in pain. Those who have chronic pain, we don't...
amie2195Feb 15, 20223 min readCovid ICU UnitApparently I was so excited over hearing that I was having surgery I must have missed the part where they told me I'd be in the Covid ...
amie2195Feb 14, 20221 min readThe man yelling I don't know his name, his age or what he even looked like. Each time I came in contact with him, a curtain or a wall separated the two...
amie2195Feb 14, 20221 min readPeanut Butter PeaceThe morning that my mother in law picked us up, she told us a story. That morning she had woken up and started to get ready to go. As she...
amie2195Feb 10, 20221 min readThe Operating roomI'll never get use to seeing the inside of an operating room and I have been in 7 of them. It is like straight out of Greys Anatomy. ...
amie2195Feb 10, 20222 min readCovid Part2Let me take you back a few weeks. To where I am sitting in my hospital bed. All hooked up to IV's , blood pressure cuff, etc. Waiting to...
amie2195Feb 10, 20221 min readThe Waiting RoomWhat a wonderful place a waiting room can be. I am saying this in all honesty. As I sat there in the waiting room 6 feet apart from...
amie2195Feb 10, 20221 min readThis is the prologue So much to say but I have no idea where to even begin. I think back on all I have been through these past few weeks and the emotions of...
amie2195Jan 20, 20221 min readWaitingWaiting is the worst. Its like the "waiting place" in the book Places you'll go. Waiting is the worst when you are ALONE. Kevin says I'm...
amie2195Jan 20, 20221 min readFeeling LovedI have an army of family and friends!!!! And I am LOVED by So many beautiful and wonderful people. I am overwhelmed with ALL the...
amie2195Jan 19, 20221 min readAlmost thereSurgery is still a GO....... so excited. SO, SO excited. Except..... This whole time I just knew it would be a no go. No surgery. It was...
amie2195Jan 17, 20221 min readJeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....
amie2195Jan 13, 20222 min read pain in the assI am a Pain in the ass. I know I am. I always have been. I think I try NOT to be one and it backfires!!! Example: Kevin is headed out to...
amie2195Jan 12, 20222 min readCovidOver TWO YEARS..... I did not get covid once. Not in the two years it's been out and about making everyone sick. Not for two years. 10...
amie2195Jan 8, 20222 min readWhat I cant Wait forI am sitting in the Tub that my 12 year old daughter ran for me. As I lay here, bubbles and jets going, I close my eyes and I think...
amie2195Jan 6, 20223 min readMy worst day yetWhat does Trigeminal Neuralgia feel like you may ask .... It starts off with a throbbing in your Jaw. Toothache like symptoms. Then...