What does Trigeminal Neuralgia feel like you may ask ....
It starts off with a throbbing in your Jaw. Toothache like symptoms. Then the pain moves into your cheek area. Throbbing pain now in your jaw , cheek and moves up into your forehead. This sort of pain continues for maybe days or weeks.A constant Throbbing. All day , every day. That's not even the best part of Trigeminal Neuralgia: The Best part is, the lightning bolt shocks of pain that radiates through your whole Face. This pain comes out of nowhere and knocks me right to my knees. Just when you think it's over and you THINK you can breathe, I get searing pain through the whole side of my face. This burning pain slowly goes away within a few hours.
I have NEVER imagined pain like this before. The anxiety of living this day to day is overwhelming. It's hard on my girls and on My husband. I'm going to tell you a story. I don't tell this story lightly. This Blog is hard for me. I am trying to Blog as no one is reading, but its hard! I know people are reading this. ( not a lot, probably one too many if you ask me!) And I lot of you don't REALLY know me. In my typical life, I only let few in. Doing this BLOG, I have no control over who I let in.
This is too important to me , not to tell. So, I'm going to take a deep breath and TRY to blog like no one is reading!
This was one of my hardest days with Trigeminal Neuralgia to date I Went to the DENTIST. I want to have all my dental work done before I have surgery. I believe this time around, the dental work I had may have set off my Trigeminal Neuralgia. I needed to get my Permanent crown put on my tooth. I decided to forgo the Novocaine because I was pretty sure Shoving a sharp needle into my jaw, would have set off my Trigiminal Neuralgia for sure.
My temporary crown was stuck on so he had to saw through it, crack it and then pull it off. You have to understand the severity of this!!!! I DO NOT even brush my teeth on that side. Never mind put a drill to it. ( disclosure: I love my dentist, this had to be done, Kevin was right there holding my hand) We took a break and I remember sitting up , looking at Kevin and begging him to take me home. It was his eyes that convinced me to lay back down and finish. Kevin had such sadness in his eyes. He really felt my pain. I trusted him when he said It would be best if I stayed. The rest of the visit was HELL to say the least. The shocking pain was indescribable. I remember at one point , just squeezing Kevin's hand as the tears poured down my face. and prayed. I MAD PRAYED!!! I was hurting and mad that this was happening to me. So, I MAD PRAYED!!! I know I didn't Hurt his feelings. God and I , we are still working out our issues! I don't recall the rest of the visit or the ride home. I think my body was in survival mode. When I got home, Kevin took me inside and helped me to bed. He turned on our fan and got into bed next to me. As soon as his arms were around me I started to sob. When I was done sobbing , I laid there for hours with tears silently pouring down my face. The days following, I took lots of meds and slept. Eventually the pain subsided and I was back to the "Normal" throbbing, toothache like symptoms. Thankfully with the good o'l Lyrica and medical Marijuana those attacks don't happen often. So that my friends is what Trigeminal Neuralgia feels like.
I can honestly say that I understand ! I get it! Hang in there my TN friend and keep on praying! I will be praying for you!
I have no words 😢 Only to say how much I love you & how Grateful I am you are my Family & Friend. ❤