They do not make it easy at all to get out of the hospital. They have a whole check list to go by and if you miss one little thing YOU are DENIED.
Friday January 21st. Exactly 24 hours after my surgery I am READY to go home. The night before was Hell and today isn't look so good either.
I am a shy peerer . Is that even a word? Pee- er?!? I don't know. It doesn't matter. What matters is.... I don't like to drop my pants , sit on a toilet and pee shoulder to shoulder with someone. When I asked if I could go to the bathroom, I expected a wheelchair ride out these glass doors into a bathroom with a DOOR!
What I did not expect was a door under the sink to pop open and out slide a toilet. That was unexpected. I asked how long till I was being released. Her laughter was my answer. Onto the pull out toilet we go! I go on telling her how I am a shy pee-er as she is getting me up and situated. She gets me on the toilet and promises to look away. Well.... that's fine and dandy but you can still hear ME!!! Once that embarrassment was over and I was back in bed , I again asked when I might go home.
The doctors have to make their rounds, you need a cat scan, vitals need to look good. You need to eat, drink and your fluid output needs to be enough. Fluid output?!?! I just peed?!?! That wasn't enough I said. Apparently the pee measurer was not in the TOILET when I peed. Great!!!
I tried , I really did. But I was sooo nauseous. Their was no way I could eat. I started off with toast. I took one bite and couldn't even chew it. I felt bad but I asked for some Oatmeal. When that came and I couldn't stomach it either , I asked for ensure. Maybe I could drink my way out of here!
The thing with the Covid ICU unit and any other unit in the hospital is THEY ARE BUSY!!! They are short staffed , overworked and underpaid. My oatmeal, my toast and ensure was not a priority. My leaving was not a priority. People needed Iv's, medication and life saving measures. In saying that..... It took awhile for these items to arrive. If I was going to get out of here that day, I had to take matters into my own hands.
Before the nurse had come back with my ensure I had managed to throw my oatmeal in the trash 5 FEET behind me and the two cups of water in the sink two feet next to me.( which was a challenge because Half my room was glass doors, I had to time things just right!) I was ready to pee and be measured. I was dressed, Bag packed on the bed and I was ready to go!!!
What seemed like HOURS were HOURS. Waiting on Doctors orders, waiting on the cat scan, waiting on medications etc.
When I finally got the okay to call Kevin to come get me it was almost 5:00 pm. I was starting to become manic. I needed to be home. When I heard Kevin's voice on the other end of the phone I was instantly calm. "Come get me" I said. He replied with, " Bailey and I are on our way. See you soon, babe".
I laid my head back and said a silent prayer of thanks. The Calvary was coming to the rescue. All was going to be okay!!!