I am a Pain in the ass. I know I am. I always have been.
I think I try NOT to be one and it backfires!!!
Example: Kevin is headed out to his coyote shack. He is all bundled up ready to go. Gun strapped on and all. I Ask him to get me something for my pain.
why didn't I ask two hours ago when he was doing nothing you ask? I was busy.... watching cat videos on YOU TUBE!!! hehehe....
SO..... I start to feel bad. I decide I'll take the dogs out for him! That way he can leave to go out! I bundle up, grab the dogs and head out!
You must be aware.... The dogs often run off if they are not on leashes. I THOUGHT they could sense how I was feeling and they would stay close. WELL.... obviously my DOGS are a bunch of assholes too BECAUSE as soon as they saw a car speed down our road ( we NEVER have cars on our road. RYAN OLIVER) THE dogs forgot about me needing them and RAN OFF!!!!
I turn around to see if my family had witnessed this incident and lo and be hold Kevin is standing there. Once again all bundled up, gun strapped on , ready to head out!!!
He looks at me, jumps in the truck and heads off to get them.
The story goes... Kevin chased Milo around my parents yard a few times than Milo sprinted back home , meanwhile Kevin slipped coming back and ate shit! His words not mine.
The dogs are home, Kevin's out at his shack and I am blogging! and thinking about what an asshole I am!
This incident is one of a hundred that Kevin deals with on a daily basis. Times that by me AND the three girls!
Kevin is constantly putting out fires, fixing our household project mistakes (6 holes in the wall before Ken and I got it straight) He is ALWAYS the one to fix dinner, always the one to keep the fire going and oil in the tank for all our long baths. He is the one to help with math homework, fix the cars, plow the driveway, Literally put food on the table and in the freezer. He is the first one to help and the last one people think to ask about.
My life is made better because he is in it! (I think that is quite obvious to everyone!) And I think his would be much better with me in it IF I listened and put the dogs on leashes!
Here's to hoping we survive quarantine!!!