The woman I meet at the Steak House. That is her name. Carol Granger. She has an amazing husband, much like my own. A beautiful daughter and a handsome son in law. I've never met them before but I have stalked them on Facebook!
Carol has bi-lateral Trigiminal Neuralgia like myself. Meaning she has it on both sides. She has been operated on twice on both sides with no relief. She has recently been diagnosed with stomach cancer. Currently, she just finished her last round of chemo and is in surveillance stage with scans every few months along with blood work and oncology visits. We are all praying she beats this!
I asked her just a bit ago if I could put her in my blog. She responded that she would be honored. It is I who am honored to know her. She is my Angel!!! She came out of nowhere and inspired a little bit of light within my darkness.
I'll never forget seeing her and her husband that day. I was lucky they didn't report me for acousting them! They were so very kind and I swear I saw tears in Carol's eyes when I told her, I too, had Trigiminal Neuralgia. She got even more upset when I told her I had three young girls. Carol knew the road I faced was going to be a long and hard one. She understand my trials and my pain.
I am blessed to know her and HER husband. Carol's husband's name is Steve. Just the thought of him makes me smile. When they would come to the Steakhouse , you could see how attentive he was to Carol. He reminded me a lot of Kevin. You could tell how much he loved her by the way he talked with her and looked at her. They have both been through so much and yet here they are, together and making the best out of life, when they can and how they can. I thank God every day for placing them in my life.
We have kept in touch. Email and facebook. Her and her husband would come in the summers to the restaurant and visit me. It was like seeing old friends every time. I admire Carol's strength, determination and the faith that she has. Carol was one of the first people I told when I found out I was going to have surgery in 2017. She answered all my questions and eased most of my fears. I think her heartache matched my own when I told her my Trigiminal Neuralgia was back.
I asked her one day, after I learned of her Cancer , how she doesn't yell and scream at God and ask him Why? She answered me , saying this" Oh, I've had my conversations with God, trust me!" But I know he faithful and I believe in his promises".
Carol is not only my angel but a constant reminder to me of God's love and faithfulness.