I have an army of family and friends!!!! And I am LOVED by So many beautiful and wonderful people. I am overwhelmed with ALL the feelings!!!!
Tonight my girls, Kevin and Tabithia gave me a gift box. In it, was a frame, a card and a tee-shirt. They made and sold t-shirts to raise awareness for Trigiminal Neuralgia.
ALL without my knowledge!!! Sneaky , sneaky. I need to work on my parenting skills. Actually Kevin took my parenting privileges away until I have recovered from surgery!!! Soooo..... anyway!!!!
Ken says that everyone she talked to said how "strong and brave I am"
Let me let you all in on a little secret. I am only strong and brave because of my family and friends. I carry on no matter what BECAUSE of all of YOU. YOU all make me strong and brave.
To my amazing hubby and girls! Your the best. Everything I do, I do for you guys!!!! Well... maybe not EVERYTHING!!!!!!