For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
These were the words that ran through my head as I read the results from my covid test today.
POSITIVE. I was hoping for a negative. Surgery would have happened and all would be right with the world. Except when it doesn't and it isn't!!!!
I don't know how many times I stopped today and prayed! 5, 10, 15!!! I also checked my email about a thousand times waiting on those test results!!!!
It was funny, I finally threw my phone down on the couch and I told myself I didn't care anymore!! What would be would be. AS SOON AS I threw my phone down, it beeped , letting me know I had mail! It was my test results!!!
I knew in that moment, that I needed to just let go.
Just let go and let God!
I may or may not be having surgery on Thursday. I don't Know. I may or may not be ever healed from Trigiminial Neuralgia. I don't know that either.
What I do know is...
I believe in a God that does know these things! He has plans to prosper me, plans to give ME , not harm me, and to give me HOPE!!!
So.... I will trust in him and wait on him to do what he knows is best for ME!!!