Surgery is still a GO....... so excited. SO, SO excited.
This whole time I just knew it would be a no go. No surgery. It was going to be rescheduled. No worries. Everything happens for a reason. ( got my period. Uggg... sucks to get your period right before surgery) needless to say ....
when they said it's a go. I was kind of shocked to be honest . I had gotten myself all turned around on what I really wanted. Everyone looked happy when I told them , so I went with that.
I am happy to be having surgery on Thursday
I thought I wasn't going to have surgery, so I put off my ever growing to do list. I napped instead! To be fair.... I did have covid. But to be honest I got nothing done.
If you were in the Biddeford Walmart today, I am sure Dakota and Kevin were a sight. Grabbing things left and right. Running from one place to another.
We we all acting crazy!!! Grab the toilet paper, aluminum foil, and snacks!!! We need snacks!!! I have no idea how those things are going to help with my Brain surgery but..... we got them!
I pray tomorrow is less crazy . More about love, laughter , hugs and maybe a trip to Starbucks and target!!! If I really try and push my luck, I might be able to guilt a game of spoons out of my family!!!! We will see!!!!
Love You ❤️ ❤️ ❤️