I was asked the question recently " Throughout all of your trials where has your your God been? What has he done for you?"
It's a great question and one that I am happy to answer!
My faith is what keeps me going. Life hasn't been hard for me but it hasn't been easy either. Through all the hard times, I've always depended on God to get me through. Now, that's not to say my faith has not been tested. I can not tell you how many times I have questioned God. How many times I yelled, screamed and begged him to make it all stop. When things got bad even my faith wavered, Was their even a God?
In all my madness and questioning, God gave me a gift.
I like to call them my " God Moments". These are incidents that have occurred in my life that no matter how hard you try, their is no other explanation other than " It was GOD".
God Moments .... Let me explain!
It was August , 2017. I was working at the Steak House in Wells. It had been one of our busiest summers yet and I was in the worst pain of my life. On that particular day, I was placed in section 6. For those of you who have and still do work at The Steakhouse, YOU KNOW what section 6 means. For those of you who don't, it is the BIGGEST SECTION and the most stressful. At the end of your shift, you'd be lucky to be standing!
I was in so much pain that day. I went over to my section, put my tray on my tray stand and bowed my head and I prayed. I prayed for the strength to get through the night. I prayed and asked if he was even still there? If he even cared? I ended my prayer right as I heard the doors open.
My first table was seated. A table of two. I went and grabbed bread and headed over to greet them. As I neared the table I saw they had matching sweatshirts. I stopped in my tracks as I read what the sweatshirts said "Trigiminal Neuralgia Warrior " I couldn't believe it , or contain myself. I ran right over, dropped the bread and demanded to know " who at this table has Trigiminal Neuralgia " At first they were taken back. Than she husband replied " I do"
What are the chances, that a woman with Trigiminal Neuralgia would sit down in MY section. Wearing, mind you, TWO Sweatshirts, that have the NAME Trigiminal Neuralgia written on them!!!! Trigiminal Neuralgia is a VERY RARE disease!
My pain long forgotten and my station filling up, I crouched down , face to face with her and shared my story. We cried, we hugged and we promised to keep in touch. As I walked away, I swear I heard God's voice in my head say " Yes child, I am here and I do care".
Even to this day when I doubt God, I'll think back on that day, smile to myself and know it is not me in control but him.
" God Moment #2 " happened was in 2017 as well.
It was Tuesday. It was my last night working before my surgery on Thursday! My Uncle and Aunt had come in for dinner and sat in my section! It was so great to see them as they hadn't been out to the steakhouse in years. I think they came in to see me JUST in case surgery didn't go well. They wanted to see me Alive one last time!!!!
As I was taking my Aunt and Uncles order, another table was sat in my section. I finished up their order and went and grabbed bread for my other table. They were an older couple , the wife was bubbly and very friendly! The husband was more reserved but you could tell he enjoyed his wife's company.
As I was dropping off my Aunt and Uncles Onion Rings, the other couple called over "We would love some of those" they all laughed and carried on talking for a bit. My Aunt ended up telling them that I was having Brain surgery in a few days. When I went back to take the older couple's order they asked me what hospital I was having it done at. I told them Maine Medical Center. They asked who my surgeon was. I told them Dr. Rhugani.
The wife than preceded to tell me a story. 7 Months ago her and her husband were in a horrible car accident. They were rushed to Maine Med. Her husband ended up having Brain surgery for multiple issues.
His Surgeon was Dr. Rhugani!!!!
They both could not say ENOUGH good and wonderful things about him. They told me I'd be in the best of hands!!!
God gave me a few gifts that night . A Gift of Peace. A gift of reassurance and the best gift of all, the gift of knowledge. Knowing God was cared for me and was in control was the best gift of all!
I have had many more "God Moments" throughout these years with Trigiminal Neuralgia but these two are always the ones I look back on. They are constant reminders of God's love and his promises.