I'll never get use to seeing the inside of an operating room and I have been in 7 of them. It is like straight out of Greys Anatomy. Huge Bright lights, Nurses and doctors scurrying about, calling orders here and there. You can never tell who's talking. You are looking every which way trying to see everything and take it all in. The instruments laying out and the MRI of my Brain up on the big screen for everyone to see. I think they make it like that on purpose. Mass confusion, so you really don't think about what is going to happen.
They hook me up to monitors and more IV's. Their voices are calm and soothing despite the organized chaos. The Anesthesiologist explains what will be happening and than he asks me if I am ready. I nod my head. He places the mask over my face and tells me to count down from 10. I inform him I have to count up . I told Dakota I wanted to see how far I got before I passed out. 12! I made it to 12. I could have made it to 14, I'm pretty sure but I was tired. So very tired.
Just as my body relaxed and I was about to give into the gas, I told myself to relax. It was time for Dr. Anand Rughani , his team and God to do the work. It was time for me to rest.