If I die?!?!!?! And I'm not saying that because I am going to have Brain Surgery for the second time. I think I am saying it Just in case. A lot of people are here one minute and gone the next. SO.... If I die?!?!?!? It will be okay! It really will. It will be a different life than what We all thought and wanted but .... It will be okay. AND don't you think for one minute I won't try and get God to let me haunt some and give Love to others!!!
I have had a good life. Hard but good. Really Good!!!! I got to be a Mom. Something I've always wanted. A Mom to three Funny, Smart, caring , beautiful Individuals!!! They are all so different. Each one of them is a joy to watch grow, change and find their ways! They are my world. Everything I do, I do it for them. If it hadn't been for my girls and Kevin, I wouldn't be here writing this.
I have the BEST HUSBAND! He loves me. Really, really loves me. It's sad that it took me so VERY long to realize this. I am loved! That in itself, Is enough for me. We have been through not EVERYTHING but most EVERYTHING. It hasn't been easy. We fought to be where we are today. There were times we almost gave up. I thank God for intervening and showing us the way. Had he not, Dakota would not be here today! And we ALL know this world needs a Dakota! Marriage isn't simple for anyone. Life throws you curve balls all the time. But We managed the curve balls of life and when one gets thrown at us, we are never surprised anymore! We just turn, look at one another, smile and figure it out!!!!
I have the best family! I don't just mean my hubby and kids. I mean my whole family. Mom, dad, siblings, aunts, uncles, great aunts, grandparents, cousins, second cousins, third cousins, nieces, nephews and even a great Uncle Buster!!! Whom I personally adore. I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel the same way but who cares! LOL!!!! This... my family.... it's who I fight for. It's who I live for. These people are my world!!!! I couldn't have asked or wanted for more!!!!
My FRIENDS!!!!! My Beautiful Wonderful Friends!!! I have the best friends. They are from near to far! From High school friends, to college friends and work friends. They have all blessed my life in so many ways! We laughed till we cried and even until we peed!!! They say if you have one true friend in life, you are blessed. I have been blessed with MANY true friends!
Life is sometimes too short for many. If my life is short.... It's okay..... I have had the best life with the very best people. I have Lived, Loved and BEEN LOVED!!!! What more can anyone really ask for. We are not ever guaranteed tomorrow. So love Today, Appreciate Today!!!
Your transparency is a blessing, it is not easy to be so vulnerable, but seeing the victory despite the pain is encouraging. Praying for all of you!
I will be keeping you in my prayers, Amie. Stay strong and positive! Love you! ❤
My heart truly hurts at the complete honesty of what you have written. I just plain want you to live and be able to enjoy life here with my son, your girls and us. I am praying so hard wanting God to answer my prayers the way I want them answered! I want all the things I want for you and my family, that being said I know in my heart, God may have different plans, right now I just can honestly say I truly don't want a different plan! I am trusting Him with a very precious thing, You, my dear sweet daughter. I also know He loves you way more than Me, but He knows I love you…
Oh Amie, we’ll be praying for you! You are so amazing🙏🏻 Love you❤️
So Proud of You ❤ Your honesty is a blessing. I Love You and so happy you are not only my Friend but my Family ❤