I Know I am not dying ," PEOPLE" and I only use the " I might die" when I REALLY , Really want something!!! But that's it. That's the only time! Except when really ....YOU COULD DIE! I know I'm not!!! In saying all that, what I mean to say is: When there's a possibility of Death, one may think upon life and ponder.....
Here are my pondering thoughts:
I think it's really important to not only dance when no one's watching but to live life as no one is watching!!!!
BE Present in ALL THINGS! There is magic happening every single second of the day.
STOP and think before you speak ( Yes, I am still working on this one)
If someone hurts your feelings. Tell them. ( I suck at this!)
When someone tells you YOU hurt them, Just say sorry. ( work in progress)
Always, Always speak your truth. STAND UP for who you are!!!
LOVE is LOVE ( I have my daughter to thank for teaching me this one)
BE Kind always, except when you can't because you're intoxicated! Some things can't be helped!!
Check in on your Friends! You never know what they may be going through!
LAUGH!!!!! Oh my goodness!!!! LAUGH!!!!! Belly laugh, laugh so hard you cant breath! Laugh till you pee!!! ( we all do it)
( How many of you have wanted to stop reading this!!!! BAHAHAHA!!!)
Repeat PONDERING THOUGHT #1 ..... Live like no one is watching! I am going to blog like no one is reading!!!
FORGIVE!!!!! It's more for you than them!
Always plan something to look forward to. Even if it's something small!!!!
Always say goodbye!
Last one for the night..... Visit your grandparents, great grandparents, your elderly relatives!!! AUNT FAYE!!!!! Just kidding! LOVE YOU!
The stories they can tell you are better than any tick tock!!! They too have stories to tell just like you and I ! Just like we will have stories to tell the next generation. I am telling you this because tomorrow I am going to visit with my 87 year old Grandmother. I can not wait to laugh with her!!! I say things ALL the time to try and shock her. Not once have I!!! She's got an answer for everything!
My great Uncle Buster.... Oh the stories he can tell!!! I love listening to him and watching him. I can see him in his mind going back to that time!
Life is made up of moments, MAKE TIME FOR THE MOMENTS!!!
NEXT POST- will be about Trigeminal NEURALGIA . You know, what this blog is supposed to be about!
ONE MORE: BE Happy for people! Their journey is not yours and yours are not theirs!!!
Wonderful words. Wonderful things to Ponder. Thank you...Love you 😘