May 5, 2023 3 min Dance Happy one year Anniversary to me. If you asked me this time last year where I think I would be this time this year? I would honestly say...
Jan 7, 2023 2 min Where I have been Some of you may have wondered where I am and how I am doing. Others, probably 99.9 % don't give a damn and probably roll their eyes and...
amie2195Jan 5, 20222 min readI'm not dying, but If I wereI Know I am not dying ," PEOPLE" and I only use the " I might die" when I REALLY , Really want something!!! But that's it. That's the...
amie2195Jan 4, 20222 min readIf I Die?!?!?!?!If I die?!?!!?! And I'm not saying that because I am going to have Brain Surgery for the second time. I think I am saying it Just in ...
amie2195Dec 31, 20212 min readSurgerySurgery date scheduled for January 20th. I CANNOT believe I am doing this again??? Like, really?!?!? I made it through the first time. I...
amie2195Dec 28, 20211 min readNot how blogs work So..... A Blog is something you are supposed to do often. Apparently?!? I've been told!!! I think I knew that! I think what I was...
amie2195Dec 20, 20214 min readIt's Okay, not to be okayI saw this sign yesterday " Be Kind Always, you never know what someone else is going through" I thought about how sad that last part...